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Gold award in International Awards 2 years in a row
I have something exciting I have been waiting to share with you! Last week I found out I was a finalist (again!! :D ) in the RISE...

Bump and Baby Magazine Feature!
I was super excited when the editor of the magazine Bump and Baby got in touch with me several months ago to see if they could feature...

Milldove Photography's Maternity, Newborn and portrait Studio
Here you will find a few photographs showing you Milldove Photography's Maternity, Newborn and portrait Studio space. Mostly of the props...

Gorgeous Birth Books
I LOVE these albums! You will receive a gorgeous album and a My Birth Bag with the Diamond Birth photography package! Perfect to share...

My Birth Photography Motivation
This is a personal ride for me as unfortunately I suffered PND after I had my son and I wish I could have had my labor and birth images...

Birth photographer in Wellington, NZ wins GOLD award and category
Hello everyone! I'm a Wellington based photographer and I recently (a couple nights ago) was named Documentary Photographer of the Year...
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